Arriving at a decrepit chateau for their honeymoon, young newlyweds undergo a series of surreal and sinister encounters, and come to realize that they are the prey of the resident vampires...
With performances from Sandra Julien (I Am Frigid... Why?) and Marie-Pierre Castel (Lips of Blood), ravishing cinematography from Rollin’s regular collaborator Jean-Jacques Renon, and a thrilling jazz-rock score by Acanthus, The Shiver of the Vampiresis regarded as one of Rollin’s greatest films.
Original French and English mono soundtracks
Audio commentary with director Jean Rollin (2006)
Audio commentary with Sylvia Kristel: From Emmanuelle to Chabrol author Jeremy Richey (2023)
Virginie Sélavy on ‘The Shiver of the Vampires’ (2023): appreciation by the author and film historian
Rouge Vif (2023): updated documentary on the making of The Shiver of the Vampires by Rollin’s personal assistant, Daniel Gouyette
Introduction by Jean Rollin (1998): filmed appraisal by the director
Interview with Jean Rollin by Patricia MacCormack (2004): lengthy discussion filmed in Paris
Deleted scenes: sex sequences filmed for the export market
Original French, English and German theatrical trailers
Image gallery: promotional and publicity materials
New and improved English translation subtitles for the French soundtrack
New and improved English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
Limited edition exclusive 80-page book with a new essay by David Hinds, an archival introduction by Jean Rollin, an archival interview with the director by Peter Blumenstock, an archival interview with actor Marie-Pierre Castel, Andy Votel on Acanthus, the mysterious group behind the film’s soundtrack, an overview of contemporary critical responses, and full film credits
Limited edition of 2,000 numbered units for the US
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